Thursday, February 5, 2009

Negativily Positive.

We all say that, positive things move the people ahead and thus in turn move the world around, but i have a bit of ambiguity at this point. What i think is, Greed being a negative word and emotion is responsible for the dynamicity of the world. If there would have been no greed, there would had been no social living world.
When i was young i heard many times from many people, "dude its the money that moves the world around." I believed them. But, as i became mature, slowly with the passage of time i realized that "the people were not exactly true. It was not the money. We all, as a social and political animal, want to acquire the highest status in the society, and that is estimated by the amount of money one posses. Because,money is power. Thus it is the greed for the money that make the people to go to any extent. for them, in many cases, its not the means, its the end. Moreover, greed is also accompanied by the selfishness. If we talk socially, either its human or its animal, the greed when attached with the care for other, is converted into the other form, the unity, which is also one of the most essential social aspect.
Hence at the end, we can say, Greed is the only negatively positive emotion in the world.


LĂ­lian said...

If we think about it carefully, we will see that not only greed, but all emotions can be negative and positive.

Olga said...

Hi to everyone! Dude you are right! But any feeling if it has a certain aim can be good or wrong. All depend of the aim and the way you choose. Love can turn into the feat or into the crime. Person chooses!

Madhu's cooking gallery said...

True! Greed is negatively positive, when there is a boundary, that it does not harm others and turns out positive things in oneself to achieve more and more. Good one!